I bought a new phone cover
When I was trying to unzip my phone cover last night, it broke. Guess it must be due to the corrosion which weakened it. Because of that I had to get another one. Being the cheapskate me, I went back to the same shop which sells these cheap stuff (it only cost me $3) and tried to hunt for a new cover. My new cover is the hard plastic type unlike the old one which is soft. The shop owner said they do not make those soft kinds anymore. Oh well, this means I have to be extra careful not to drop my phone as the cover might break. Since day 1 when I bought my phone, I have been using a phone cover and this probably explains why my phone is still in mint condition. Likewise, my previous N6100 was like new when I traded it in to get this N6230i. That got me an extra $20 overtrade on my N6100. Guess when I should decide to change this current phone, I might still get an overtrade.
I went for a 12K run earlier at about 4pm. It was really warm. I could feel the heat. Naturally this translated to having a great sweating session after an hour or so. Usually I would run slightly later at around 5 or so but since I intend to clock in at least an hour, I have sort of adjusted my timing so that by the time I finish, I will be home just in time to warm up the food and prepare for dinner. That is usually when Esther is still sleeping so we can eat quickly before she awakes for her feed. Maybe next time I should go for a dawn run after feeding her at around 3am or so?
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